Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Final Post

We started this blog when Jane was expecting Isaac and when trying to settle on a URL, chose the one you are viewing. (ie: babylogan2007). We didn't really think we'd still be posting regularly almost a year and a half later. This blog has evolved into something that is more a screen capture of our whole lives instead what the name 'babylogan2007' suggests, so we are introducing something new...


As our lives change and our family develops, we wanted a 'place' on the internet that reflected that. Update your bookmarks and your google reader folks, and join us on the new site.

Click here to be redirected.

(The content of this blog will remain indefinitely, so you can always come here to revisit old pictures, videos, etc)

Monday, July 21, 2008

A Lazy Sunday

Much like his Pop, Isaac has started sticking his tongue out when he's really concentrating.

Speaking of sticking out tongues...
(You can really see his long whispy 'wings' in this one)
"I know my stuff is in here somewhere!"
A couple quick videos
Once Isaac realised the bag was filled with his toys, he didn't want to let it out of his sight. We've never seen him take something with him 'on the move' before. (So glad the camera was handy!)

Isaac was more interested than ever in the vacuum yesterday. He kept trying to flag down Josh to let him check it out!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

3 Years (also 19 weeks)

Yesterday was our third wedding anniversary. We had fun looking through pictures and reflecting on what we were doing three years ago...

The memories are lovely and it was an amazing day, but mostly we see it as a great beginning to our marriage. God has blessed us so much, and our anniversary is really a time to celebrate the family that we are becoming- because it all started there!

This picture is a little more "us" than the formal ones above. (ie: celebrating our anniversary by sitting on the couch in joggers and pigging out on Thai food after Isaac went to bed)

And because Lisa commented a couple posts ago about wanting to see some pictures of the growing belly, here's Jane last night at 19 weeks.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A New Routine

Jane's maternity leave ended and she went back to work last Monday. The last week and a half has been a bit of a whirlwind, constantly rushing to be one place or another on time and still trying to squeeze in some nice family time.

Here are a few pics of Isaac in action over the last week or so.

Enjoying a warm evening on the deck

He passed out in the car seat and didn't even wake up to be moved to his bed. A sign we kept him out during nap time?

Using his hippo toy in every way except how the manufacturer intended

He had fun at Spencer's 2nd birthday party

And one day when Jane and Isaac got home, another mama and baby were waiting for them...

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

An 11-Month Old on Canada Day

Isaac celebrated another month in the world as the rest of the country celebrated Canada Day.

First, we picked up Uncle Tom and went to the giant flea market and international food fair uptown.
Isaac loves yogurt, so when things really heated up today, we got him his first frozen yogurt. He seemed to really like it, but it took him a few tastes to get used to the temperature.

Once we picked up Aleah, we went across town to the beach and couldn't believe the difference in the weather!

Isaac wore his flashy wetsuit, a great hand-me-down from Shannon's kids.

The weather didn't put a damper on our trip to the beach...

...we still had lots of fun...

..And, as always, Isaac had lots of laughs!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Parlee Beach

This weekend, we rented cottages at Parlee Beach with 5 other families. The weather was less than cooperative for swimming and some other beach activities, but we (and the kids) had a great time nonetheless.

Spencer and Payton chasing bubbles

Isaac squeeled with delight watching the "big kids" blow bubbles.

Isaac enjoyed cruising along the beach with Josh.
Chloe loved every second on the beach, regardless of the dark skies.

Isaac was very happy to watch all the fun toddler activity.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sunny Days!

Isaac has enjoyed some time in the great outdoors lately.
Enjoying the view from the balcony...

And another breakfast picnic...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Yeeaah Celtics!

Isaac is so excited by The Celtics taking the NBA Finals that he just had to wear his new coat today - regardless of the fact that it was 20' or that it's 3 sizes too big. Jane couldn't resist buying it last week...and Sherrie will know where she found it (tags on!) for $2.65!

We think he looks like a little line-backer in it...
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All Dressed Up With Someplace To Go

We all went to watch the grand march of Tom's high school prom on Tuesday night.

People often say that Isaac looks like his Uncle Tom, and Jane loves that they are both giving her the same look in this picture. It looks like they are both thinking:"Are you about done?"

Uncle Tom and Aleah with Nan and Pop

Jane (plus the babe en route) and Isaac with Uncle Tom and Auntie E

Uncle Tom has been friend with Ben since he was around Isaac's age (okay, maybe a little older) and with Cailin since not long after that. Here's Tom with a couple of his besties. We hope that our kids are lucky enough to grow up with kids as great as these three!

Lovin' His Greens!

Isaac has recently started to LOVE greens. Spinach, arugula, whatever! Steam it, stir in a little cheese, and he goes nutso for the stuff.

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Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

On Sunday, Isaac and Jane let Josh sleep in and then took him out to brunch at Vito's.

Josh and Isaac

Now that Isaac has teeth, he is especially interested in our teeth. Jane was smiling for the picture, and then Isaac stuck his hand in her mouth to touch her teeth at the last second.

Isaac had a few favourite items at the brunch buffet: namely the croissants and the fruit salad

Isaac was facing out into the restaurant and enjoyed people watching. He kept raising his hand (like in this picture) and pointing at people. He seemed to be wondering why people were talking amongst themselves, but not to him. It looked like he was thinking: "Hey! Over here! Ummm...I'm kind of a big deal."

Lindsay and Paul are visiting the east coast from Calgary and stayed with us Sunday night. They took lots of pics, so we'll be sure to post some once we get copies. (Ahem...Linds?)

Wrapping up the vacation...

This weekend was fun, but sadly marked the end of Josh's vacation time. It was so nice to all be home together this week!

On Saturday, we enjoyed some time on the deck after our morning trip to the City Market.

Who needs a pack-and-play or special toys? Isaac had way too much fun in a laundry basket with the giant stability ball.

Saturday night, Isaac hung out with Nan and Pop while Josh and Jane went to a reception celebrating Melissa's call to the NB bar association. Yippee for Melissa!!